
Sunday, December 9, 2012


hRU and I were the late sleepers today. YAY
I borrowed Nathans travel Bible to bring with me. hRU picked it
up and was turning the pages and found the family photo I put in there
and got excited and was pointing to faces and smiling.

Before today hRU hardly cried or was upset. She kept all her belongings
in her backpack that the RIPA gave her. she would take something out
and play with it and put it back when she was done. Today she put her
stuff in a drawer. We have kept snacks around for anytime she wants
one (choc. cookies,chips,p.crackers, is comfort)  Today she is
saying no to somethings. We also had to start using the NO word
when she decided to jump on the bed or swing her balloon stick at
daddy and turning the light off and on 20 times in 20 seconds.
Little melt down are happening because of correcting her or not
letting her do it  herself.
This adoption has been totally different experience with bonding
and grieving. This child is so brave. She does let me hold her
when she is crying.

This morning we went to the hotel business office to print out the
appointment letter from the Embassy (the Doc asked for it)
Hru wanted to go out the door that the outside pool is at, so we
did. she put her feet in the hot tub. we went back to the room and
put swim suits on and played in the hot tub for a few mins.


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