
Monday, December 3, 2012


At some point my body will crave the sleep I just can not seem get.
I was wide awake at 1am India time after a 5 hour power nap anxiously
waiting to skype the children back at home at 5 am India time.

After enjoying a buffet breakfast we inquired about a car/taxi for our
drive to the RIPA later. Finding out that a regular taxi is less Rupees
than the hotel car and when we told the gentleman that we are adopting
a girl from that RIPA he put his hand to his heart and was excited for us.
He found us a driver for even less and he waited for us and drove us back
and talked to Hrutuja when she started crying and she stopped right away.

She is such a brave little girl. She has cried some but I have been able to
comfort her and she stops. It was said that she is a talker but we have not
heard any yet. I started using the sign language with the words
that we learned for Rohana and I an getting head nods for answers.
Progress and she is letting both of us feed her.

feeling so blessed.


  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Congratulations. I am sooooooooooooooo happy for you. :)

  2. AHHHH! I had no idea you were in India and that you have your precious girl! Couldn't be happier. You are right, God is good all the time :)
