
Friday, October 17, 2014


Wednesday, a nurse with the surgical team checked
Rebekah's G-tube. Which seems to be doing ok, just
need some tagadurm to put between skin and tube.
Then they explain to me what to do if and when it falls out !!?
Sounds like I will be at Maine Medical Centers emergency
room a lot.
Rebekah  started crying as soon as I put her down on the exam table.
That is totally not like her, she is usually happy all the time.

A question I have that no one has answered yet:
Her primary care doctor needs to talk to the GI doctor
and together they will be in charge of her feedings.
Is what the surgical nurse said.

Will she always eat by G-tube ? 
Can she have anything by mouth??

Maybe those questions will be answered today at our visit with
her primary care doctor.?  Will she cry at the office ?

Since her PDA closure, I have noticed a lot of things she
does differently. Feeling THANKFUL that we were chosen to be
her family. It can be exhausting at times but well worth it !!


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