
Wednesday, January 9, 2013


This child still amazes me everyday....
Monday after lunch she stood on the couch and proceeded to
sing a song (in Marthi(sp) as loud as possible while using hand
motions to the song. And  yesterday she sat on the top step with
the dog next to her singing the same song still using the hand motions.

Then she falls of the bench she was leaning on and lets me scoop her
up and lets me hold her while she was crying and holds on to me.
And last night daddy got a "good night, I love you"  in English.
Today the girls were playing with the keyboard and the song
Happy Birthday come on and Hrutuja starts to sing the song in English.
Which reminded me when I asked what the RIPA does for the children
on their birthdays and I was told that they celebrate it.  When I started
singing the song with her she said "yum, cake" in English.
It sounds like they really do celebrate it the children's Birthdays.

Years ago, I heard that within 6 months of your child being home
they would catch up with their peers.   So after Rohana was home for
6 months and I realized it would take longer for her than other children.
Within those six months she was also diagnosed  with Cerebral Palsy 
and gets Physical,Occupational and Speech Therapies and in season
Hippo therapy. And a brace on her leg 24/7 and brace on her wrist 3hrs.daily.

We do not think that Hrutuja has any special need yet.  But I think
children in India over the age of 3 are considered special needs children.

We are BLESSED with the children that HE chose for us.

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