
Thursday, December 22, 2011


Picked up daddy @ the airport today, all were happy to see him.
Ro had to have blood drawn yesterday and as I sat there in the chair
holding Ro on my lap, I thought about the first time I did this (16 months
ago) How they could not find veins in this little girls arms and they tried
6 times and still did not get enough blood. I think I cried more than her
that day. Holding her hands today I noticed how bigger and healthier her
hands look and she can even open up her left hand now. I do not know
what conditions she would be in now if she were still in the orphanage.
They did a great job with her but they do not have the resources that we
have here in the USA.   Sooo  Blessed !!   Today they found a vein the
first try . I did cry today,I cried for the little ones who still live in orphanages.  xoxo

We also watched "Home for the Holidays" last night Children in
Foster Care who are crying out to be adopted, to be part of a family,
someone to call MOM or DAD, brother, sister.  A family to go home
to on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, birthdays, etc.
It's sad children do not choose to be orphans.

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